Donkey Of The Day: Laura Ingraham defends Drew Brees after telling LeBron James to 'Shut Up and Dribble'
On Wednesday, Ingraham supported Drew Brees, who’s been openly slammed for saying he disapproves of NFL players who kneel during the national anthem. Ingraham earned her the title of donkey of the day. During her report, “He’s allowed to have his view about what kneeling and the flag means to him,” she said. “I mean, he’s a person, he has some worth I would imagine. This is beyond football, though. This is totalitarian conduct. This is Stalinist.”
Congratulations @IngrahamAngle you are the #donkeyoftheday showed complete hypocrisy by standing up for Brees' right to speak and even praised what he had to say.
LeBron James Responds To Laura Ingraham's Hypocrisy
NBA star LeBron James has called out Fox News host Laura Ingraham for her defense of star quarterback Drew Brees.
"He's allowed to have his view about what kneeling and the flag means to him. I mean he's a person," Ingraham said of Brees after his disrespecting the flag comments earlier this week. "This is beyond football," she added.