Rapper Nipsey Hussle was scheduled to meet with @RocNation L.A. Police Commissioner @SteveSoboroff and @LAPDChiefMoore a day after he was shot and killed to discuss ways to stop gang violence.
However Nipsey's murder wasn't gang related a positive man that he is !

Rapper Nipsey Hussle Was Shot 5 Times To The Body One In The Head Outside His Los Angeles Clothing Store He was 33.

"We LAPDChiefMoore and I were meeting , at the request of Nipsey Hussle with him and roc nation tomorrow at 4pm to talk about ways he could help stop gang violence and help us help kids. I’m so very sad."
Two other people were wounded in the shooting, and are said to be in stable condition, while Hussle was rushed to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. He was shot multiple times outside his store, Marathon Clothing.