50 Cent goes back to flaming Floyd Mayweather after a nasty crossover. As many have come to realize, 50 Cent takes any opportunity he can to throw a jab at Floyd Mayweather.
50 Cent Pokes Fun at Floyd Mayweather Over Huge Chanel Bag
Last week, Mayweather took it upon himself to once again remind the world that he's extremely rich. In an Instagram video, Floyd not only flaunted his liquid cash, he also showed off some of his gaudy assets. This led him to quote the lyrics of Lil Baby and Gunna's "Drip Too Hard" when stating that he actually owns the largest Chanel bag ever created.
"You can have the biggest Chanel in the store if you want it," quoted the rapper. "I don’t think Lil Baby was talking about this dumb shit you bought champ. LOL GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" He ended off the post by adding his usual hashtags and saying that Floyd is well-known for doing "Legendary stupid shit."
What do you think of Floyd's bag?
50 is literally kicking Floyd while he's down. Prior to the rapper's post, a video of Floyd getting his ankles taken at a celebrity basketball game set the internet ablaze.